Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Journal #6 "Google+: The Complete Guide" by Ben Parr & "Educators - Google+ is for You" by Chris Brogan

Google+: The Complete Guide 
by Ben Parr

Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google+: The complete guide. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2011/07/16/google-plus-guide/

Summary: This article by Ben Parr is meant to thoroughly explain Google+, which is a social network created to rival Facebook. This article is meant to answer the simple question "Why should someone use Google+?" The answer to this is a bit more complicated. Parr goes on to explain features of Google+ including, profiles, circles, stream and sharing content, sparks, and hangouts. I believe that the two most impressive aspects of Google+ are circles and hangouts. Using the circles feature, one is easily able to organize and separate family  friends and business (or really whatever categories you would like). Ultimately combining the elements of twitter and Facebook, one is able to more effectively filter their shared information, giving one more control over their content. Hangouts are advanced video chats. Using this feature, one is able to participate in a group chat facilitating up to 10 members. This article holds a lot of detailed information and would be very useful to anyone thinking about joining Google+.

Question #1: How is Google+ a educational tool??

Educators can utilize many features, such as circles, group chats as well as it's streaming and sharing features to enhance communication, regardless of ones location. Even though Google+ is not specifically formulated to facilitate educational practices, there are many features that and educator can utilize the bring technology into the classroom and easier relay information, updates and data to students. 

Educators - Google Plus is For You 
by Chris Brogan

Brogan, C. (2011, Sept 30). Educators – Google Plus is for you. Retrieved from http://www.chrisbrogan.com/gpluseducators/

Summary: Chris Brogan's blog advocates and explains the benefits of using Google+ specifically for educators. He explains how utilizing the circles feature, an educator can organize groups for accessible instruction. By utilizing the circles feature, one can easily share lesson plans, videos, pictures, links est. with specific circles. Discussions can also be held using the comment feature as well as the hangout feature. Brogan's entire article is a exciting, positive review of Google+. 

Question #2: Is this internet social networking tool safe for adolescents to use in an educational way?

I think that Google+ has potential to become a very valuable tool for educators, but this is only  possible if students are responsible with their social networking privileges. I think that for this to work, the student's parents would have to be actively involved in their child's use of this tool by monitoring their Google+ accounts. I also believe that a lesson on cybersafety  would have to be mandatory.  

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